CSIRO moon-like testing centre in Brisbane. | Newsreel

Space innovators set course for Brisbane

Brisbane will host the world’s space innovators at an international conference later this year. The International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and
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Aerial view of Utingu on Cape York peninsula in Far North Queensland. | Newsreel

Property with stellar views and rocket access

Are you in the market for a slice of Far North Queensland paradise from which you can launch your spaceships? You’re in luck. Utingu, an 88ha parcel of freehold
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Inquiry into space launches from Australia - Newsreel

Inquiry opens the way for Australian space launches

The Federal Joint Standing Committee on Treaties has begun hearings to clear the way for space launches in Australia. The hearings have started in Canberra to review the
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Artisit's impression of NASA's proposed lunar railway. | Newsreel

NASA funds floating railway on Moon

NASA is planning for a levitating railway system on the moon, advancing a project in its latest round of funding. The Flexible Levitation on a Track (FLOAT) proposal is
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NASA to send missions to Planet Venus - Newsreel

NASA planning mission to ‘evil twin’ planet

In many respects the planet Venus is like the Earth’s evil twin. It is the closest planet to us in the solar system and has a similar mass and radius. But, while Earth
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Ghost Shark Australian Navy | Newsreel

Ghost Shark build gets teeth through accelerator

Australia’s first autonomous underwater combat vehicle, Ghost Shark, is set to become the focus the country’s maritime defence capability. A prototype of the
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F 35 jet fighter. | Newsreel

$765 billion defence strategy unites forces

Australia’s new National Defence Strategy aims to transition the country’s armed forces into an “integrated focused force” and will increase the annual Defence
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Artist's impression of a UFO. | Newsreel

Is the truth out there? Defence does not want to know

Are Australian skies being buzzed by UFOs? We will never know, based on the current stance of the Defence Department. In response to a recent Freedom of Information
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Artist's impression of humans on the moon. | Newsreel

50 years on the world braces for new moon frenzy

By Shane Rodgers More than 50 years after humans last went for a stroll on the moon, the giant rock is back in fashion and attracting a frenzy of activity. During the
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Major Elissa Milford ADF researcher. | Newsreel

World-first research to boost ICU patient outcomes

A word-first medical study by Australian Defence Force researchers is aiming to reduce the risk for critically ill patients in need of platelet transfusions. The ADF
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