Supermarket trolley full of vegetables. | Newsreel

Report urges million-dollar fines for errant supermarkets

Major supermarkets face multi-million-dollar fines under recommendations in the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct Review interim report. The inquiry, led by former
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Unhappy worker. | Newsreel

Insurers back-pay workers over $37 million

Some of Australia’s biggest insurance brands have back-paid workers more than $37 million in unpaid entitlements. Insurance Australia Group Limited (IAG) entities
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Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway in The Intern. | Newsreel

Australians bucking traditional work norms

By Shane Rodgers A growing proportion of the Australian workforce is bucking traditional work norms and adopting more radical and flexible career options. This includes
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Fire Ant researcher Professor Nigel Andrew. | Newsreel

Dangerous ants attacking our way of life

Researchers have warned that Australia’s way of life is under real threat from dangerous fire ants that have crossed the Queensland border and are invading
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Queensland Ballet dancer Joseph Moss. | Newsreel

Rising ballet star recognised as elite athlete

By Susan Schwartz When Queensland Ballet dancer Joseph Moss first enrolled in ballet school, he often hid the fact he could pirouette his way across a stage – now he
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Two women in niche-fashion jackets. | Newsreel

Permanently Cheugy: Are micro-trends killing fashion?

By Susan Schwartz Fashion’s hyper drive is in danger of creating its own black hole. Micro-trends are rising at such a rapid rate that ultimately fashion runs the risk
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Elvis Presley tribute artist. | Newsreel

Tributes flow for golden era of popular music

By Shane Rodgers In the 1990s I read that, if the prevailing growth continued, by 2030 one in every five Americans would be an Elvis Presley impersonator. I think it was
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Queensland Ballet's A Midsummer Night's Dream. | Newsreel

Shakespeare comedy transformed into dance dreamscape

Ballerina fairies and woodland creatures collide with the mortal world in Queensland Ballet’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream at the Playhouse, QPAC from April
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Corporate Travel Management's James Spence. | Newsreel

CTM appoints new Global CFO

Corporate Travel Management (CTM) has appointed energy specialist James Spence to the role of Global Chief Financial Officer, commencing May 27 2024. Mr Spence’s
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Flooded town. | Newsreel

Mayors demand answers on insurance flood data

Queensland mayors have questioned the veracity of insurance company data as ratepayers are slugged with flood insurance hikes up to $10,000, despite living in towns
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