Extra GP time for women with endometriosis

Woman clutching stomach in pain. | Newsreel
Increased Medicare rebates will apply to extended consultations for women with endometriosis. | Photo: Layla Bird (iStock)

Extended consultations for women with endometriosis and complex gynaecological conditions will be covered by Medicare next year.

From July 1, 2025, two new items will be added to the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) enabling extended consultation times and increased rebates for specialist gynaecological care, which would also include conditions like chronic pelvic pain and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Federal Health Minister Mark Butler said women would have access to longer specialist consultations, of 45 minutes or more, covered under Medicare.

“This allows them to receive timely and appropriate assessments and no longer be left waiting for critical diagnoses and treatments,” Minister Butler said.

These two new MBS items will provide a higher fee for longer initial gynaecologist consultation ($168.60 for a minimum of 45 minutes, compared to the standard rate of $95.60), and a higher fee for longer subsequent consultations ($84.35 for a minimum of 45 minutes, compared to the standard rate of $48.05).

Minister Butler said endometriosis was estimated to affect at least one in nine Australian women and had an extensive, devastating impact on daily life, and an average of seven years before diagnosis.