Students in vocational setting | Newsreel

Skills-based qualifications to drive future jobs growth

Nearly all the jobs that will drive employment growth in Australia over the next decade will need more than a high school qualification. The 2024 Jobs and Skills Report
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Health care worker with elderly patient. | Newsreel

Migrants thriving in Australia’s western workforce

Queensland’s workforce has the lowest share of migrants, when compared to any mainland state in Australia. Analysis by employer organisation The Australian
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People in job queue. | Newsreel

Lowest employment growth in six months

Australia’s unemployment rate remained at 4.1 percent in October, with the smallest increase in the number of people employed in six months. Australian Bureau of
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Wages graphic. | Newsreel

Annual wage growth at 3.5 percent

Annual wage growth has fallen below 4 percent. The latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data, released today, showed the Wage Price Index (WPI) rose 0.8 percent
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Gen Z workers. | Newsreel

Workers using large leave balances as insurance

One in five Australian workers have accrued more than four weeks leave, as an insurance policy in case they lose their jobs. The latest ELMO Employee Sentiment Index
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Teenage worker. | Newsreel

Under 18s missing out on $368m in super contributions

Making all teenagers eligible to receive superannuation contributions would boost the future payout of more than half a million Australians and reduce red tape for
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Many businesses struggling to keep up with technology - Newsreel

Struggling businesses caught in a ‘tech fog’

Large numbers of Queensland businesses are caught in a “tech fog” as they grapple with ever-advancing technology such as the new wave of artificial intelligence. The
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Woman serving person at counter. | Newsreel

Aussie public servants top 2.5 million and $232 billion

Australia now has more than 2.5 million public servants, after a more than 3.5 percent rise in numbers last year. The latest data from the Australian Bureau of
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Mother and child. | Newsreel

Gender differences remain in workforce data

More than half of Australians wanting to work are unable to because they are caring for children or have health issues. The latest data from the Australian Bureau of
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Nurse on night shift. | Newsreel

Overnight meals impact health of night shift workers

Night shift workers are at greater risk of chronic health conditions if they eat during their shift. A new study out of South Australia found people who ate meals or
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