A $22m Centre of Excellence will be established to advance the disability employment sector in Australia.
Swinburne University of Technology will partner with the Federal Government to deliver Australia’s first Disability Employment Centre of Excellence at it’s Melbourne campus, bringing together researchers, peak bodies, employers, people with disability and their families.
Swinburne University Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research Professor Karen Hapgood said the centre aimed to improve economic participation and employment opportunities and would deliver online resources centred on lived experience.
Professor Hapgood said it would also leverage disability employment experience and access to employment services and build capacity across the sector.
“The partnership will help shape a fairer, more inclusive future for disability employment,” she said.
“Our vision for the Centre of Excellence is to provide best-practice, evidence-based information that can bring people and technology together for a better world.
“By harnessing the collective expertise, knowledge and resources of those with lived experience, their families, researchers, service providers, employers and industry bodies, we can help providers improve employment outcomes for people with disability.”
Disability Employment Australia CEO Peter Bacon said the employment services sector was committed to implementing evidence-based practice that would best support job seekers with disability and employers.
“We want Australia to be the best country in the world for people with disability – where all can realise their potential, including in employment. The Centre of Excellence will be a vital component of how we get there,” Mr Bacon said.
“By translating evidence-based practice and research into training and resources for disability employment practitioners, we will accelerate the progress we have already made.”