TV networks bank on Aussie sport programs

People watching sport on TV. | Neewsreel
Australian TV networks increased their spend on local sports programs last year. | Photo: Sveti KD (IStock)

Australia’s commercial television networks increased their investment in local programing last year, while dialling back on overseas content.

A new Australian Communications and Media Authority report found the networks spent $1.67 billion on Australian programs in the 2022–23 financial year, an increase of $130 million from the previous year.

The overall investment in overseas content was still greater at $1.91 billion, but that figure represented a drop of 30 million from 2021-22.

Spending on Australian sport grabbed the largest portion of the investment pie, growing by $90 million to $635 million last year, while the investment in local children’s non-drama programs fell by more than 10 percent to $744,000.

In other categories expenditure on Australian news and current affairs increased to $413 million, from $361 million in 2021–22, while light entertainment, Australian documentaries and Overseas drama programs remained at similar levels to last year.

Read the full report.