Kerrie Freeman Brisbane City Council CEO. | Newsreel

Freeman new Brisbane City Council CEO

Brisbane has a new CEO, with Kerrie Freeman endorsed by the city’s Civic Cabinet this week. Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner said Ms Freeman was selected for her experience
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China warns that attractive foreign spies are trying to recruit their citizens - Newsreel

China warns of seduction by foreign spies

China has warned its citizens against being seduced by attractive foreigners recruiting spies. International news agencies reported that Beijing’s Ministry of
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New research has questioned the value of current guidelines on screen time before sleep - Newsreel

Night screen time guidelines challenged

New research has cast doubt on the veracity of previous advice on the dangers of pre-sleep screen time. A study by the University of Otago, released this week, found
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Bill Shorten and Anthony Albanese

Advocacy group salutes departing Shorten

Australia’s peak disability rights and advocacy organisation has acknowledged the work of Federal National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Minister Bill Shorten,
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Outgoing Queensland Tourism Industry Council CEO Brett Fraser. | Newsreel

Fraser steps down as QTIC CEO

The Queensland Tourism Industry Council (QTIC) is looking for a new CEO, with Brett Fraser stepping down from the role. In a statement, the peak industry body for the
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Outgoing Australian Retailers Association CEO Paul Zahra. | Newsreel

Australian Retailers Association CEO Zahra resigns

Australian Retailers Association (ARA) CEO Paul Zahra has resigned, as the group moves to merge with the National Retail Association. The head of the leading national
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Pharmacist talking to elderly man in chemist. | Newsreel

New pharmacy business council members appointed

A new council has been appointed to oversee pharmacy ownership in Queensland. The State Government this week announced the 10 members of the first-ever Queensland
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Research shows people are embracing manipulated images of themselves - Newsreel

Humans are embracing fake self-images

Digital manipulation of a person’s facial image has to go a long way before people stop believing the face is theirs. Japanese researchers found that
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Different types of love generate different brain intensity - Newsreel

Love lights up the human brain

Brain researchers have started looking for love in all the right places. And they found that different types of love light up our brain in different ways. They also
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Jimmy Barnes and David Campbell. | Newsreel

Jimmy Barnes and son Australia’s top dads

Entertainment stars Jimmy Barnes and son David Campbell are our top fathers, after being recognised as joint Australian Fathers of the Year by The Fathering Project. The
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