IT Crowd - Higher IT skills required for AI - Newsreel

Workplace tech boom requires new IT literacy

Queensland firms are needing to lift their information technology (IT) skills to a new level as technology moves deeper and faster into workplaces. Jobs Queensland
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Women shaking hands in meeting. | Newsreel

Unemployment and hours worked on the rise

Australia’s unemployment ranks grew by 21,000 in March but the underlying labour market trends remain stable. Figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics
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Speakers at the AFI policy leaders forum. | Newsreel

Dire skills shortage looms without new job pathways

Queensland is facing a “dire” shortage of skilled labour over the next 20 years without a radical overhaul of education and training pathways. The leaders of two
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Workers concentrating on post-it notes. | Newsreel

Workers face bonus drought but remain positive

Australian workers have low expectations of receiving bonuses compared with their Asia Pacific colleagues and most are grappling with regular stress in their
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Worker using ChatGPT. | Newsreel

Inquiry probes impact of AI on workers

The impact of automated decision making and machine learning on workers is the focus of a new Federal Parliamentary inquiry. In response to the rapid uptake of
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Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway in The Intern. | Newsreel

Australians bucking traditional work norms

By Shane Rodgers A growing proportion of the Australian workforce is bucking traditional work norms and adopting more radical and flexible career options. This includes
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Musician playing electric guitar. | Newsreel

Poor pay a sour note for Aussie musicians

The majority of Australian musicians made around $12 an hour last year, about half Australia’s minimum wage, and that’s when they were able to land a gig. A recent
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Man looking at phone in waiting room. | Newsreel

Job vacancies may be coming off the boil

Job vacancies in Australia have fallen 23.5 percent below their May 2022 peak but remain above pre-pandemic levels. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) job vacancy
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Woman on laptop talking to man in office. | Newsreel

Is happiness at work a realistic expectation?

By Shane Rodgers Most of our pop culture depictions of work portray it as a grind that must be endured until the final whistle, when you bolt out the door like a
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Jobs Queensland Board. | Newsreel

New Jobs Queensland board meets in Far North

The new Jobs Board Queensland has met for the first time in North Queensland. Chaired by Jim Varghese, the 11-person board will provide advice to the State Government on
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