Care worker with elderly woman. | Newsreel

Care worker sleepovers under Commission’s scrutiny

Care workers who undertake sleepovers as part of their duties are the focus of a case being heard by the Fair Work Commission this week. The application was brought by
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Doctor in country. | Newsreel

Regional work showing more hip-pocket appeal

Australian workers are increasingly financially better off working in regional areas, as opposed to chasing high-paying city jobs, according to a new report. Economic
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McCullough Robertson Lawyers Partner Tom Reaburn

Workplace psychosocial safety requires top people skills

Companies have been urged to ensure their managers have the right people skills to avoid falling foul of workplace psychosocial safety requirements. McCullough Robertson
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Outback Australia. | Newsreel

1000 more Indigenous rangers to manage Country

Queensland will receive the lion’s share of places under a boost to the Indigenous Rangers Program. More than 1000 new Indigenous ranger jobs will be created across
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Clothes factory in Asia. | Newsreel

Lorna Jane first brand to complete living wage program

Brisbane-based activewear company Lorna Jane is the first Australian brand to ensure its workers overseas are paid a living wage, as a result of Oxfam program. Oxfam
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Woman stressed at work. | Newsreel

Australian workers the most stressed in APAC

Australian workers are the most stressed in the Asia-Pacific region, which includes traditional workaholic nations like Japan. A new report from human resources
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Woman confused with paperwork. | Newsreel

Low literacy impacts vast majority of businesses

Low worker literacy and numeracy is impacting the productivity of nearly 90 percent Australian businesses. A survey by peak employer body the Australian Industry Group
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Happy woman shaking hands. | Newsreel

Record participation as unemployment remains steady

Australia’s unemployment rate remained steady at 4.1 percent in September, as the job participation hit a record high. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Head of
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Workers are feeling cost of living pressures - Newsreel

Cash-strapped employees see pay as top priority

Cash-strapped workers have moved salary levels to the top of their priority list as workplaces begin to stabilise after the pandemic upheaval. The latest global
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Woman worried at work. | Newsreel

Crisis of confidence in Australian professionals

More than two thirds of Australian professionals are concerned by the pace of change in the workplace, according to a new survey. The LinkedIn research found 67 percent
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