Female tradie working on machinery. | Newsreel

Scarce tech and trade skills in high demand

More than three-quarters of Australian businesses are in need of technicians and trade workers, but cannot find or train the staff they need. New data released by Ai
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CSIRO plant breeder in the field. | Newsreel

Skills shortage to impact global food security

Australian and global food security is under threat due to a lack of specialised scientists, according to the CSIRO. Research produced by the CSIRO, in collaboration
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Job vacancy pressure is starting to ease - Newsreel

Labour shortages easing but still high

Australia’s chronic labour shortage of the past few years is easing but job vacancies remain well above historical levels. Australia Bureau of Statistics detailed
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Successful workplaces need a strong culture

Cultural norms that define successful workplaces

By Shane Rodgers When I was at school, I went to watch my sister in an interschool debate. The topic was that “there is no Australian culture”. I was about 12 at the
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Young shop assistant. | Newsreel

Retailers criticise push to axe junior rates

An application before the Fair Work Commission to abolish junior rates for young workers has been criticised by the nation’s peak retail body. Australian Retailers
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Worker in factory. | Newsreel

Minimum wage to rise by 3.75 percent

Australia’s minimum wage will increase by 3.75 percent from July 1. The Fair Work Commission announced the rise in the National Minimum Wage and all modern award
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Stress bragging hurts careers - Newsreel

Complaining workers harming their careers

Workers who constantly “brag” that they are stressed and overworked are harming their reputations and careers. New research from the University of Georgia
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Women plan to retire later - Newsreel

Early retirement dream abandoned for most

The dream of “early retirement” for Australians is steadily evaporating with the average expected age to finish work pushing out beyond 65. Australian Bureau of
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Robots scaring away hospitality workers - Newsreel

Robophobia scaring away cafe workers

Use of robots in hospitality settings is causing human workers to leave the industry due to high levels of stress and fears around their job security. Washington State
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Long-term unemployment down 40 percent - Newsreel

Long-term unemployment down 40 percent

The post-pandemic labour boom has washed away much of Australia’s long-term unemployment, with a 40 percent fall in four years. A new Productivity Commission report,
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