Time does seem to be going faster when you have fun - Newsreel

Fun activity really does make time fly

One of our best known cliches says that time flies when you are having fun. It turns out that is true. Or at least our brain thinks it is. Researchers at the University
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Emmaus College Jimboomba Lisa Atholwood and students. | Newsreel

Atholwood appointment more than a career move

Lisa Atholwood’s appointment as the Head of Campus secondary at Emmaus College Jimboomba was more than just a career move. Ms Atholwood said it transformed into a
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Person holding hand steady with coffee cup. | Newsreel

Parkinson’s discovery reveals path to targeted care

Subtypes of Parkinson’s disease have been identified, paving the way for more targeted and personalised treatments. Researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine used machine
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Drug breakthrough could lift life expectancy - Newsreel

Exciting breakthrough in extending human lives

A quantum leap in human lifespans is possible with the discovery that switching off a type of protein can reduce the inflammation that causes many deaths. Scientists at
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Dr Amy McQuire of QUT. | Newsreel

Black journalism important in fight for justice

Black justice journalism needs to be encouraged and used to fight against racism in Australia, according to the author of new book on Western media. Black Witness: The
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Forest as global carbon sink. | Newsreel

Global carbon sink leaking emissions

The world’s forests are absorbing carbon equal to half global fossil fuel emissions, but emissions caused by tropical deforestation negate two-thirds of that
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New definition of a planet proposed - Newsreel

Scientists seek a new definition for planets

When Pluto was officially bumped out of the solar system’s planet “club” in 2006, many people were outraged. Not only was everything we had come to believe about
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Electrician and apprentice installing solar panels. | Newsreel

Regional pathway to career in energy

High school students in regional and remote Queensland can fast-trach a career in the electrical field through an expanded government-supported cadetship program. Ergon
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Life on Earth started soon after the planet was formed - Newsreel

Life began soon after Earth’s formation

Life on earth was flourishing within a few hundred million years of the planet being formed, new research has revealed. A research team led by the University of Bristol
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Woman and man, with woman silencing onlooker. | Newsreel

AI detects lies better than humans

Artificial Intelligence can detect a lie better than humans, with potential positive impacts countered by a risk to social harmony, according to new
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