Open cut mine. | Newsreel

Help shape the future of mining research

Australians have the chance to shape the future of mining research in this country. The CSIRO has commissioned a survey to explore the attitudes of Australians towards
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Artist's impression of lunar rover on moon. | Newsreel

Brisbane’s Raytracer shoots for the moon

A Brisbane-based space technology company has joined the team tasked with designing Australia’s first lunar rover. Raytracer, headquartered in Bowen Hills, has joined
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Massive Sulfide Nickel Ore Rock. | Newsreel

Support for SMEs eyeing critical minerals industry

Businesses looking to expand into the critical minerals industry can now access a free insights program. The CSIRO is encouraging small to medium enterprises to apply
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Petrol and diesel bowser nozzles. | Newsreel

Renewable diesel a crucial pitstop on road to net zero

An increased focus on renewable diesel is needed to support the construction industry on its path to net zero and decarbonisation. A report released by the Australian
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Chief vet Dr Beth Cookson. | Newsreel

New top vet takes charge from the far north

Far North Queensland vet Dr Beth Cook is Australia’s new Chief Veterinary Officer. Dr Cookson, who lives in Cairns, brings a wealth of experience to the role, having
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Graphics of sporting venues. | Newsreel

Panel’s call for Victoria Park stadium rejected

The State Government will not build a new stadium in Victoria Park, despite it being the centrepiece recommendation from the Independent Review of Brisbane 2032 Olympic
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Artist's impression of 435 Montague Rd, West End. | Newsreel

Rooftop wine cellar for West End development

Kozcorp Projects has lodged a development application for 24-unit, nine level residential building at 435 Montague Rd, West End. It will feature a mix of 2-and-3 bedroom
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Hands on laptop with alert symbol. | Newsreel

Tech giants to reveal efforts to thwart extremists

Google, Meta, Twitter/X, WhatsApp, Telegram and Reddit have been issue legal notices to report on steps they are taking to protect Australians from terrorist and violent
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Couple at event using technology. | Newsreel

Sky’s the limit for EventsAir’s push into US

A Brisbane tech company which supplied software to the London Olympics, Brisbane Commonwealth Games and the G20 has now set its sights on the United States. EventsAir,
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Scoreboard on flooded field. | Newsreel

Climate change exposing sporting bodies to legal risk

Sporting organisations and their directors face growing legal risks as climate change and extreme weather impact sporting events. A new report from the Environmental
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