Woman taking a coronavirus test. | Newsreel

Test reveals dangerous new coronavirus variants

A tool has been developed to determine which new coronavirus variants will be the most harmful. Developed by researchers at Cornell University, the bioelectric device
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Woman getting cancer treatment with doctor. | Newsreel

Peptide path to greener cancer treatments

Greener cancer treatments are a step closer thanks to new research out of the United Kingdom. With most current processes involving the use of toxic chemicals,
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High voltage transmission lines. | Newsreel

$5 billion North Queensland power play underway

Ground has been broken on a $5 billion project to deliver a high-voltage transmission line in North Queensland. The outback town of Hughenden has become the heart of
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Rachel Vagg Queensland Auditor-General

Vagg to be Queensland’s first female Auditor-General

Rachel Vagg has been appointed Queensland’s new Auditor-General. Premier Steven Miles said Ms Vagg, who becomes the first female appointed to the position, has
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New smart clothing breakthrough - Newsreel

Smart clothing will revolutionise body monitoring

A new generation of smart clothing could revolutionise the way people exercise and recover from injury. Researchers at the Universities of Bristol and Bath have
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Woman leaving job. | Newsreel

More Aussies staying in current job

Australia’s workforce has become more settled, with the amount of people changing jobs back to pre-COVID levels. The latest job mobility data, released today by the
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Teacher with student in classroom. | Newsreel

Teachers struggling to build digital generation

More than two thirds of Australia’s teachers are struggling to provide students with the digital skills they will need in the future. A new report, Tech skills for the
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Woman with credit card on phone. | Newsreel

Victims re-targetted in recovery scams

Scammers are double-dipping by targeting victims and offering services to recover lost money. The National Anti-Scam Centre is urging Australians who have had money
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Dingo on K'gari (Fraser Island). | Newsreel

Proof K’gari dingoes’ heritage goes back 3000 years

DNA analysis has confirmed the dingoes of K’gari have no links to domestic dogs and are part of a 3000-year-old lineage. A joint QUT–University of Adelaide study
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Sydney drops speed limit to improve road safety - Newsreel

Sydney drops city speed limits to 40km/h

The City of Sydney has announced it will drop its default speed limit to 40 km/h to improve survival rates in accidents. Lord Mayor Clover Moore said the changes would
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