Woman in pain on couch. | Newsreel

Young face barriers to pain treatment

Ninety percent of young people who are living with chronic pain in Australia have reported being ignored by doctors, with many contemplating suicide. The 2024 National
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Offensive plant names to be removed - Newsreel

Botanists vote to remove offensive plant names

Global botanists have made a historic decision to change the names of plants that may be considered offensive. Future plant names will also keep clear of anything that
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Person welding with sparks. | Newsreel

Welding fume the next engineered stone?

The researcher who outlined the dangers of engineered stone has led a new study which has found Australian welders are being exposed to dangerous fumes. Dr Renee Carey,
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Breakthrough in detecting deep fake images - Newsreel

Surprising win in ‘deep fake’ detection

Space scientists have discovered that the methods they use to study galaxies can also help detect fake artificial intelligence images. Research released at the Royal
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New Physiotherapy degree at Southern Cross University - Newsreel

New physio degree to strengthen regional care

Southern Cross University hopes the introduction of its first Bachelor of Physiotherapy degree in 2025 will help people in coastal regions to “live their best
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Worried woman scrolling through phone. | Newsreel

Doomscrolling triggers PTSD-like symptoms

The habitual checking of disturbing stories on social media is changing the way humans perceive the world and triggers PTSD-like symptoms. In a world-first study on the
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Time does seem to be going faster when you have fun - Newsreel

Fun activity really does make time fly

One of our best known cliches says that time flies when you are having fun. It turns out that is true. Or at least our brain thinks it is. Researchers at the University
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Medical Football cup. | Newsreel

Medicos chase goals on and off field

Hundreds of health professionals from across the globe have descended on the Sunshine Coast with many goals on their minds. Medical experts from as far away as Brazil,
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Elderly couple on mobile phones. | Newsreel

Brain app supporting thousands worldwide

An award-winning  Australian app focused on brain health has now been downloaded more than 100,000 times in more than 200 countries. BrainTrack, a Dementia Australia
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Royal Bulls Head Inn Toowoomba. | Newsreel

Preservation boost to Queensland’s heritage

Almost 40 of Queensland’s most historic places and events will receive a boost with more than $1 million handed out for preservation projects. The State Government has
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