Artist's impression The Wheelhouse in the Brisbane suburb of Hamilton. | Newsreel

Wheels turning on new innovation space

Construction has begun on a new $5.9 million co-working and innovation space in inner-northern Brisbane. The Wheelhouse, adjacent to Eat Street, in Hamilton, aims to
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Hot sun during heatwave. | Newsroom

Hotspots mapped to prepare communities

A new national heat mapping tool has been developed to help Australian communities better prepare for extreme heat. The Heat-Health Risk Index is an Australia Climate
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Depressed man looking into fridge. | Newsreel

Access to dietary advice boosts mental health

Australians with a mental illness would benefit from better access to qualified dieticians, according to a new report. Dieticians Australia has released an evidence
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Artist's impression of a UFO. | Newsreel

Is the truth out there? Defence does not want to know

Are Australian skies being buzzed by UFOs? We will never know, based on the current stance of the Defence Department. In response to a recent Freedom of Information
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Mother and calf humpback whales. | Newsreel

Noisy oceans threaten future whale migrations

Growing ocean noise levels are interfering with communication between marine animals and could have a future “catastrophic” impact on whale populations. A study
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Elderly people in a garden. | Newsreel

Retirement living could be key to housing challenge

Rising demand for retirement living has prompted calls for age-friendly communities to be a key pillar of the national housing strategy. The latest Procore/Property
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Coral bleaching on Great Barrier Reef. | Newsreel

Great Barrier Reef bleaching runs deep

Underwater video footage has revealed bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef is occurring deeper than had previously been reported in the current mass bleaching event. The
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Divers on a reef. | Newsreel

Surprising findings on human planetary impact

In a famous dialogue on the state of the environment, comedian George Carlin predicted that eventually Planet Earth would tire of human activity and wipe us out as a
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Worker using ChatGPT. | Newsreel

Inquiry probes impact of AI on workers

The impact of automated decision making and machine learning on workers is the focus of a new Federal Parliamentary inquiry. In response to the rapid uptake of
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Water hole in Northern Territory. | Newsreel

Value of ‘iconic’ Great Artesian Basin tested in court

Australia’s Great Artesian Basin will be the focus of debate in Brisbane today, as AgForce heads to the Federal Court to argue one of the world’s largest underground
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