Great Barrier Reef bleaching runs deep

Coral bleaching on Great Barrier Reef. | Newsreel
Coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef is occurring deeper than previously reported. | Photo: Rainer von Brandis (iStock)

Underwater video footage has revealed bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef is occurring deeper than had previously been reported in the current mass bleaching event.

The Australian Marine Conservation Society said the footage showed bleached coral on the southern part of the Reef down to at least 18m, with some corals starting to die as they faced record marine heatwaves.

Reef coral expert Dr Selina Ward said coral bleaching was extensive at all 16 sites she recently visited across the southern section and described it as the worst she had seen in her 30 years working on the Reef.

Dr Ward said diversity of species impacted by the event had been hard to deal with.

“There are many different species that are bleached – many of which are pretty resistant to bleaching, so it’s not a pleasant one,” she said.

Data from aerial surveys released last week show 75 percent of the Great Barrier Reef has been bleached during the current event, with much of this high to extreme bleaching.