All abilities multisport day for Ipswich children

Child in wheelchair with basketball. | Newsreel
An all abilities multisport day will be held for children in Ipswich. | Photo: Fat Camera (iStock)

Children with a disability will be taking part in an inaugural multisport day in Springfield, south-west of Brisbane, next week.

As part of its Active Kids program, Ipswich City Council will hold its first all-abilities multisport day at the YMCA Springfield Central Community Centre on July 2.

Community and Sport Committee Chairperson Councillor Jacob Madsen said the day would provide an opportunity for children with a disability to try different sports in a supportive environment.

Cr Madsen said Council launched a new Inclusion and Connectedness Implementation Program in January to reduce barriers for people living in Ipswich.

“There are dozens of planned and proposed actions like the multisport day aimed at overcoming these barriers so our community can all feel like they belong regardless of age, ability and background.

“People with disability receive the same physical, mental and social benefits from participating in sport and physical activity as any other participant,” Cr Madsen said.

“However, the most recent data show that adults who have a disability participate less in sport or physical activity and we want to change that by providing those in our city living with disabilities a pathway to get involved at a young age and learn healthy habits.”

Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic said specialist events provider Physi Kids would run netball/basketball, gymnastics and tee ball events which would be modified to suit the ability of each child participating.

“Running sports programs since 1997, Physi Kids have a lot of experience in introducing children to physical activity in a fun and encouraging environment,” Cr Jonic said.

There will be three one-hour sessions on the day with each session accepting a maximum of 15 attendees. Places are still available for the tee-ball session, with waitlist options available for the other sessions.

Visit the council website to book and for more information.