World’s leading researchers heading to Brisbane

Woman studying test tube. | Newsreel
Brisbane will host ICRI 2024 in December. | iStock

Brisbane will host the International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI) in December.

ICRI 2024 brings together invited policymakers, research institution leaders, research infrastructure operators and users from around the world.

Delegates will explore trends in research infrastructures, including the use of emerging digital technologies, opportunities for expanding global partnerships, and contributions to the mitigation and adaptation of climate change.

Australia’s Chief Scientist Dr Cathy Foley said research infrastructure was critical for advancing science.

“ICRI brings together the global community to share ideas, approaches and priorities as we look to science more than ever to solve our greatest challenges,” Dr Foley said.

ICRI 2024 will be delivered by the CSIRO.

CSIRO Chief Executive Dr Doug Hilton said the ability to do great science and tackle the big scientific questions Australia was facing relied on first class research infrastructure.

More information is available at the ICRI 2024 website.