Queensland babies in genetic screening trial

Baby and doctor. | Newsreel
Thousands of Queensland babies will be part of a genetic screening trial. | Photo: Katleho Seisa (iStock)

Thousands of Queensland newborns will be screened for genetic illnesses under a trial program.

The University of New South Wales (UNSW) will use a $5.5 Federal Government grant to establish a newborn screening platform which aims to screen for hundreds of life-threatening genetic illnesses at birth.

UNSW Associate Professor Natalie Taylor the Government funding would enable a 12-month research trial of the platform which would screen 24 genetic conditions in 60,000 newborns in Queensland.

Associate Professor Taylor said the funding would allow the screening of illnesses such as biotinidase deficiency, haemophilia, cystic fibrosis, spinal muscular atrophy and severe combined immunodeficiency.

“We know that newborn screening genomic technologies are rapidly advancing – to ensure these have the best possible chance of producing life-changing and life-saving benefits for newborns, it’s crucial we carefully prepare the health system and work closely with our communities.

“Alongside the targeted genomic technology this project aims to introduce and sustain through MRFF critical research infrastructure investment, key research activities will involve working with healthcare, policy, program, and community stakeholders to make decisions together about new conditions to screen for, and to design care pathways that are adequately resourced for those new conditions, she said.