New support for early childhood educators

Children in early learning setting. | Newsreel
Extra financial support is available for early childhood educators. | iStock

Queensland’s current and future early childhood educators are now able to access extra financial support.

New State Government initiatives include scholarships to fund tuition fees and support for those undergoing prac placements.

The package includes $29 million for the first round of the Qualifications Pathways Program (QPP) and $2 million for a pilot Practicum Placement Scheme (PPS).

In addition, there will be wrap around coaching and mentoring for educators seeking to upgrade qualifications for Cert III, Diploma, Bachelor and Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood and more than $2m allocated to fund two planning days in 2024 for every eligible Long Day Care service delivering a kindergarten program.

Nearly 2000 early childhood educators will benefit from the QPP, which will see the Government partner with nine organisations to deliver scholarships to help fund tuition fees for those studying a university qualification, support for practicums or buying equipment to help them finish their studies.

The PPS will support up to 350 eligible early childhood educators to complete their teacher qualification. Five industry organisations have been approved to administer the pilot program.

More information on the programs is available on the State Government website.