Programs target youth crime re-offending rates

Young person with counsellor. | Newsreel
Two new Government programs are aiming to address youth crime rates. | Photo: Foto Storm.

Two Queensland Government programs aimed at addressing re-offending rates have been put out to tender.

Premier David Crisafulli said the Regional Reset and Staying on Track programs were critical in addressing youth crime.

Premier Crisafulli said the Staying on Track program would deliver a 12-month rehabilitation program post-detention for youth, including at least six months intensive support for reintegration into the community and help to prevent them from falling into a cycle of repeat crime.

He said the Regional Reset program would deliver nine early intervention residential programs with a one-to-three week “reset” for youth demonstrating high-risk behaviours, including substance use, aggression, or truancy, providing young people with the skills to divert from crime before they become serious repeat offenders.

“We are focused on reducing the rates of reoffending in Queensland, and these programs will change the trajectory for troubled kids and turn them towards a brighter future.”

Premier Crisafulli said with the state’s reoffending rate for youths leaving detention climbing to 94 percent, service providers were now invited to tender to run the g programs in communities across Queensland.

He said tenders for Staying on Track would close on April 28 and tenders for Regional Reset would close on May 13.