More shoppers prefer in-store experience

Man and woman shopping at shopping centre. | Newsreel
More Australian shoppers are preferring an in-store experience. | Photo: Prostock Studio.

The number of Australian consumers who prefer to shop in-store jumped by five percent in the past year.

The latest Shopify Retail Report found that while a large amount of population still preferred to shop online, 43 percent would opt for a bricks and mortar experience, up from 38 percent last year.

The report is the first produced under a new partnership between Shopify and the Australian Retailers Association (ARA).

ARA CEO Paul Zahra said the partnership would focus on delivering the latest commerce trends and insights to Australian retailers.

Mr Zahar said Shopify was a leading provider of essential infrastructure for millions of retailers around the world and powered more than 25 percent of online commerce in Australia.

“Through this partnership, the ARA and Shopify will share valuable insights and knowledge that will help bolster the sector and increase consumer confidence.”

The Australian Retail Report 2024 is the result of a YouGov survey of 1000 Australian consumers and more than 200 senior business leaders.

The report found that the majority (99 percent) of retailers were investing in the customer experience over the next 12 months.

It found that with the increasing number of consumers reverting back to an in-store experience as well more than a quarter (26 percent) liking both in-store and online shopping equally, retailers were investing in creating seamless and personalised omnichannel experiences.

Learn more about the report.