Inquiry probes impact of AI on workers

Worker using ChatGPT. | Newsreel
The impact of automated decision making and machine learning is the focus of a new inquiry. | Photo: Laurence Dutton (iStock)

The impact of automated decision making and machine learning on workers is the focus of a new Federal Parliamentary inquiry.

In response to the rapid uptake of Generative AI in the workplace, the Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training would like to hear from workers, employers, software developers and providers, academics, employer groups and trade unions about the digital transformation of workplaces taking place across Australia.

Committee Chair Lisa Chesters MP said following recent work on Generative AI in the Australian education system, the Committee was now examining the intersection between advanced digital technology and the labour market.

“Australian workplaces are changing the way they operate (and) the Committee wants to understand what these changes mean for employees and employers, our workplaces and the way we regulate and govern our employment practices,” Ms Chesters said.

She said the Committee was interested in the benefits and risks of automated decision making and machine learning in the context of work, the role of business software and regulatory technology companies and how to ensure the safe and responsible use of these technologies.

Submissions will be collected until Friday, May 21.