Four-bedroom units feature in Nundah plans

Artist's impression of 1171 Sandgate Rd, Nundah. | Newsreel
Artist's impression of 1171 Sandgate Rd, Nundah. | Supplied

Buckland Projects and Urban Strategies have lodged a development application for an 11-storey mixed use development in Nundah, featuring 12 four-bedroom apartments.

Plans for the site at 1171 Sandgate Rd include 84 units and six commercial tenancies.

In addition to the four-bedroom apartments, there will be 16 one-bedroom, 32 two-bedroom and 24 three-bedroom units.

The complex will feature a rooftop recreation deck of more than 1000 square metres.

Car parking for 209 vehicles will be spread over 4 basement levels, with 158 reserved for residents, 13 for visitors and 28 for commercial.

Provision has been made for 116 bicycles, 84 for of those spaces for residents.

Artist's impression of 1171 Sandgate Rd, Nundah
Artist's impression of 1171 Sandgate Rd, Nundah. | Supplied