Designs for new Bribie bridge released

Artist's impression of new Bribie Island bridge. | Newsreel
Bridge vision - Bribie bridge design released for comment | Supplied

The Queensland Government has released concept designs for a new Bribie Island bridge, north of Brisbane, to kick off the community consultation process.

The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) is preparing a business case for the new bridge as part of wider upgrades along Caboolture-Bribie Island Road.

The concept design includes a new bridge with two eastbound traffic lanes and a wider active transport path, with two westbound traffic lanes planned for the existing bridge.

The new design is aimed at improving traffic flow and providing an alternate route if one bridge becomes cut.

The concept design includes widening the road to four lanes between Bestmann Road East and Benabrow Avenue as well as realigning the Sylvan Beach Esplanade intersection for safer turns.

Crossing points on the road approaches enable traffic to transfer between bridges if required when incidents or maintenance works occur.

Community consultation on the bridge design is open until March 11, 2024.

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