The Queensland Government has released a “preliminary view” that the Fox Coal mineral development licence application in the Bundaberg region is not in the public interest.
The view was provided in a statement this morning from Attorney-General Deb Frecklington.
Ms Frecklington has taken over responsibility for assessing the application because the Minister for Natural Resources and Mines Dale Last has a potential conflict of interest.
“The Attorney-General’s preliminary view is that the application is not in the public interest,” the statement said.
“The Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing, and Regional and Rural Development is preparing a decision brief for consideration by the Attorney-General.”
The former Queensland Labor Government made the same ruling on the application last year but gave Fox Coal until November 15, 2024, to make further submissions.
A fact sheet on the Fox Resources website says the development licence related to an underground, “steel-making coal mine” in north-west Bundaberg, Queensland.
“The project is currently at an exploration stage, with Fox Resources committed to pursuing a project that puts priority on local employment and businesses while sustainably coexisting with agriculture, other land uses and the environment,” the company fact sheet says.
“Under Fox Resources’ Mineral Development Licence (MDL) 3040 application, the company is seeking to drill five bore holes for exploration purposes.”
The Coal Free Bundaberg Action Group has been lobbying against the application
It says the project will impact 1023ha of agricultural area, impact rivers and potentially spread coal dust in the region.