Bespoke ballet brings daring dance alive

QLD Ballet 2024_Bespoke
The Queensland Ballet 2024 season of Bespoke opens next week with three contemporary dance performances. | David Kelly

Queensland Ballet’s Bespoke season opens next week with an exhilarating blend of edgy, original, and daring works created by renowned local and international choreographers.

Expect a colourful merging of classical techniques with emotional depth in a trio of contemporary works that explores what dance is and how far it can go.

Three innovative choreographers have collaborated with dancers and artists to create three bright new pieces of storytelling inspired by music, visual art, and emotion.

Wakka Wakka and Kombumerri choreographer Katina Olsen joins Queensland Ballet for the first time, from a career at Bangarra Dance Theatre, to companies throughout Australia and internationally.

Gundirgan (the Wakka Wakka language name for female clever person) is the title of Olsen’s ballet which celebrates the life of Aunty Maureen Williams from a young child growing up in the bush speaking fluent Wakka Wakka, to working as a domestic servant from age 10.

Milena Sidorova, an award-winning Ukrainian-Dutch choreographer, and Young Creative Associate at the Dutch National Ballet adds her own unique international flair to the line-up.

Sidorova has choreographed Birds of Paradise which celebrates the search for attraction, connection, and universal quest for love and belonging.

Australian choreographer and Queensland Ballet Associate Choreographer Jack Lister has created mainstage works for Queensland Ballet, Birmingham Royal Ballet, and Australiasian Dance Collective to critical and audience acclaim.

In Papillion Lister follows the stages of the butterfly’s life – the egg, larva and final metamorphosis.

Now in its seventh year, Bespoke promises to captivate audiences with elite ballet dancers in exciting modern spaces.

Intricately detailed, musically brilliant, and always alluring, this new season will ignite the senses and entice audiences into a realm of artistic possibility.

Bespoke runs from July 25 – August 3 at the Talbot Theatre, Thomas Dixon Centre. Book tickets here.

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