Woman isolated with COVID-19. | Newsreel

Research focus on mental health during pandemic

Scientists spent more time researching the mental health impact of COVID-19 during the pandemic than the disease itself. New analysis of more than 800,000 COVID-related
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Two elderly women. | Newsreel

Key indicators you will live to 100 revealed

Researchers have found biomarkers which best indicate a person’s chance of living to 100. Karin Modig, a senior lecturer at Sweden’s Karolinska Institutet, said
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Elderly couple travelling. | Newsreel

‘Positive’ travel prevents premature ageing

New research has revealed that travel may be the best way to prevent premature ageing. Scientists from Edith Cowan University (ECU), in Western Australia, conducted an
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Fire fighting foam with PFAS chemicals. | Newsreel

New filtering material for ‘forever chemicals’

A new electric-charged membrane has been developed which can filter for PFAS chemicals, currently the subject of global concerns. Researchers from MIT have created a new
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Teenager during COVID. | Newsreel

COVID isolation strain aged teenage brains

Teenage brains aged faster during the COVID-19 pandemic, with girls most impacted. New research from the University of Washington found the pandemic resulted in
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Artists impression of galaxies merging.

Monster galaxy 12.8 billion years in the making

Astronomers are watching two galaxies merge 12.8 billion years ago as they create one of the brightest objects in the Universe. An international team of researchers are
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Dog doing a trick with a woman. | Newsreel

Hope that old dogs can learn new tricks

Researchers have uncovered a process to reverse the brain’s ageing process which inhibits new learning. A team from the Max Planck Institute for Biological
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Customer using technology in store. | Newsreel

Shoppers extra cautious with retail technology

Growing acceptance of technology in a person’s every-day life hits a speedbump at the shopfront, according to new Queensland research. A team from QUT, found that
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A new technique allows plastic bags to be vaporised and recycled - Newsreel

New technique vaporises plastic for reuse

A new technique has been developed to “vaporise” plastics and use the resulting hydrocarbon to create new products. A team at the University of California-Berkeley
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Woman checking wearable activity tracker. | Newsreel

Wearable exercise tech can also detect COVID

Wearable technology used during exercise has been shown to be effective in screening for illnesses, like COVID. A new University of South Australia study has revealed
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