Regular exposure to cold water has been found to improve cell health and stress management - Newsreel

Cold water immersion helps to manage stress

A new study has confirmed health benefits, including stress management, from regular dunking in cold water. A team from the University of Ottawa found that cold water
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Sport is no level playing field - Newsreel

New study explodes sport success myths

A new study has rejected the notion that sport is a great leveller that gives kids from all backgrounds an equal chance to succeed. Ohio State University research has
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Research shows exercise can improve brain health at any age - Newsreel

Exercise at any age improves brain function

Physical exercise at any age can improve brain function and memory, according to new research. The University of South Australia said findings from 133 systematic
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PhD candidate Emily O’Hara of James Cook University - Newsreel

New technology to help combat jellyfish threat

A new piece of technology will help researchers speed up efforts to combat the impact of dangerous jellyfish in North Queensland. The $25,000 bead mill homogeniser has
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Human baristas may soon be joined by robot coffee makers - Newsreel

Coffee-making robot breaks new ground

An AI-powered robot that can make coffee in a busy kitchen is being hailed as the forerunner of a new generation of intelligent machines. A University of Edinburgh team
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Great tree areas have been linked to longer life spans - Newsreel

Tree clusters help people to live longer

People who live in areas with clusters of trees have been found to have lower mortality risks. A long-term study conducted in Switzerland has found that neighbourhoods
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Relationship are 'doomed' once they go into terminal decline - Newsreel

Doomed relationships have a 2-year terminal decline

The seeds of relationships ending tend to begin between one and two years before a break-up, a new study reveals. Research released this week by Johannes Gutenberg
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A recreation of an early homo sapien family - Newsreel

Humans have been speaking for 100,000 years

Humans are likely to have started speaking to each other more than 100,000 years ago, new research suggests. A study from MIT, released this week, said genomic evidence
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Are space laws out of date? - Newsreel

Call for fresh laws to stop space becoming a ‘wild west’

There are fresh calls for a review of laws governing space to avoid it becoming a “wild west” for corporations and tech billionaires. In a paper released this week,
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Robots get confused telling time - Newsreel

Super intelligent AI struggles to tell the time

Artificial Intelligence has an amazing ability to process millions of pieces of data in seconds. But don’t ask it to give you the time. An Edinburgh University team
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