Most landlords mess up their tax returns - Newsreel

Most landlords getting tax returns wrong

The Australia Tax Office has rental property deductions in its sights after discovering that 90 percent of landlords get their tax returns wrong. ATO Assistant
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Woman giving elderly man advice. | Newsreel

Counsellor shortage adds to financial pain

Queenslanders in financial crisis are being turned away from free financial counselling due to a massive shortage of qualified counsellors. A report by the Financial
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Workers high five in office. | Newsreel

Banks rank highly in advancing employees

Two of Australia’s biggest banks have been named the country’s best employers, based on data analysed by social media platform LinkedIn. The Commonwealth Bank and
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Handshake after deal. | Newsreel

Renewed optimism to make deals in Australia

Investors are signalling improved conditions for Mergers and Acquisitions in the Australian market over the next 12 months. Pitch Partners’ Dealmaker report showed an
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Australian Tax Office sign. | Newsreel

Not-for-profits need to re-apply for tax exemption

Thousands of not-for-profit organisations will need to re-apply for income tax exemption status from July 1 this year. The Australian Tax Office (ATO) said around
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Unhappy worker. | Newsreel

Insurers back-pay workers over $37 million

Some of Australia’s biggest insurance brands have back-paid workers more than $37 million in unpaid entitlements. Insurance Australia Group Limited (IAG) entities
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Flooded town. | Newsreel

Mayors demand answers on insurance flood data

Queensland mayors have questioned the veracity of insurance company data as ratepayers are slugged with flood insurance hikes up to $10,000, despite living in towns
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Flooded Queenslander home. | Newsreel

Extreme weather risk hitting home

The threat of being forced out of their homes due to extreme weather is weighing heavy on many Australians. A Climate Council survey found one in three Australians were
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Worker on a grinder with sparks flying. | Newsreel

Australian manufacturing needs new reconstruction fund

Australia’s manufacturing sector requires a re-alignment of the Federal Government’s $15b National Reconstruction Fund (NRF) in order to combat international
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