Speakers at the Queensland Futures Institute Finance Summit - Newsreel

Mortgage defaults down despite rate pressure

Mortgage defaults are lower than pre-COVID levels despite the pressure of rapid interest rates rises, banking chiefs have told the Queensland Futures Institute 2024
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Many homes are being damaged multiple times - Newsreel

Poorly located homes driving insurance rises

A Queensland insurance leader has cautioned against putting homes in the wrong places in the rush to address supply and affordability issues. Suncorp Group Chief
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Suncorp CEO Steve Johnston at the QFI 2024 Finance Summit.

Regulations freezing out small business and families

Australia’s growing regulatory requirements are beginning to squeeze small business out of insurance work and prevent families from accessing finance. Speakers at
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Women dominating Queensland finance sector - Newsreel

Finance sector riding wave of post-COVID growth

The finance sector in Queensland is working at carving out a unique identity as it enjoys significant post-COVID growth and burgeoning career opportunities. Queensland
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Tim Longwill appointed as Pro Bono Partner at McR - Newsreel

McCullough Robertson appoints Pro Bono Partner

McCullough Robertson Lawyers (McR) has announced the appointment of Tim Longwill as the firm’s Pro Bono Partner. Mr Longwill is a senior partner at McR and has been
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Fraud tag in filing cabinet. | Newsreel

New unit to tackle insurance fraud

The Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) has launched a new counter-fraud initiative headed up by a veteran cybercrime detective. ICA CEO Andrew Hall said undetected
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Couple on computer worried about bills. | Newsreel

Home loan lenders adding to customer hardship

More than a third of Australians seeking hardship assistance from banks have given up due to complicated applications processes. An Australian Securities &
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Most landlords mess up their tax returns - Newsreel

Most landlords getting tax returns wrong

The Australia Tax Office has rental property deductions in its sights after discovering that 90 percent of landlords get their tax returns wrong. ATO Assistant
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Woman giving elderly man advice. | Newsreel

Counsellor shortage adds to financial pain

Queenslanders in financial crisis are being turned away from free financial counselling due to a massive shortage of qualified counsellors. A report by the Financial
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Workers high five in office. | Newsreel

Banks rank highly in advancing employees

Two of Australia’s biggest banks have been named the country’s best employers, based on data analysed by social media platform LinkedIn. The Commonwealth Bank and
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