Roma North gasfield. | Newsreel

Final tick for $1 billion gas expansion

Federal Government approval for a $1 billion expansion of gas projects in southern Queensland has paved the way for the creation of 900 jobs. State Resources Minister
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ASIC is cracking down on greenwashing - Newsreel

Health checks needed to avoid ‘greenwashing’ risks

By Aaron Dahl and Andrew Bukowski With a growing focus on sustainability in the community and increased expectations from investors, there is mounting pressure on
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Solar panels and wind farm. | Newsreel

Billion-dollar boost to Queensland renewables

Queensland’s renewable energy sector will receive a $7 billion boost in next week’s State Budget. Premier Steven Miles said the budget, to be handed down on June 11,
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EDL CEO James Harman at the Queensland Futures Institute leaders form - Newsreel

Micro-grids could solve remote energy challenge

Micro power grids based on renewable energy could provide the solution to the energy requirement of communities away from the main supply networks. EDL CEO James Harman
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Janette Hewson at the Queensland Futures Institute Policy Leaders Forum.

Approval delays undermining resources investment

Queensland risks missing out on its share of new critical minerals projects without streamlined approval processes and consistent policy settings, a resources industry
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Gas pipeline being laid. | Newsreel

Surat Basin carbon storage project rejected

A carbon capture project planned for the Surat Basin has been rejected by the Queensland Government after a three-year assessment process. The Department of Environment,
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Alpha HAP worker in Gladstone | Newsreel

World-first refinery confirmed for Gladstone

Gladstone will be home to the world’s largest high purity alumina refinery after Alpha HPA confirmed its investment today. The Australian-based aluminium producer has
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Two trillion dollar price tag to phase out coal burning - Newsreel

Massive price tag on phasing out coal burning

Phasing out coal to meet international climate targets would cost at least $US 2 trillion, a new assessment has concluded. Researchers at Chalmers University of
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Workers installing solar panels. | Newsreel

Roadmap to a renewable future welcome

The energy and environment sectors today welcomed the Federal Government’s budget, as it charts a course to power past fossil fuels and heads towards
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Brighter times for Australian mining in China - Newsreel

Improved China prospects for Australian coal

Australian coal producers are on track to regain a larger share of the Chinese market off the back of improved bilateral relations. This follows the lifting of a
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