Saying please is used only seven percent of the time - Newsreel

The word ‘please’ is falling on hard times

The word “please”, which children are taught is the key to politeness and respectful requests, has fallen on hard times. People are now using it infrequently
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Giving Day for the The National Centre for Naturopathic Medicine.

Naturopathic centre drives new disease fight

The National Centre for Naturopathic Medicine (NCNM) is aiming to “change the conversation” on health as it explores enhanced natural treatments for a wide range of
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QUT professor Michael Flood. | Newsreel

Perpetrator naming key to male accountability

Greg Anderson, Adrian Bayley and Rowan Baxter. Do these names ring a bell? Perhaps if we mention Rosie Batty or Jill Meagher or Hannah Clarke, the penny will drop. The
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Inner voice gets us through the day - Newsreel

Inner voice a big part of getting through the day

People often talk about the “voice in their head” that advises, warns and sometimes confounds them. It turns out that most humans have this, and it plays a really
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Carbon levels rising more than any time in history - Newsreel

Carbon dioxide levels lifting in faster intervals

Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are rising 10 times faster than at any other point in the past 50,000 years. Researchers at Oregon State University’s College
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Malcolm Watts (CEO Brisbane Bullets), Sam Cordingley (General Manager, Professional Rugby, Queensland Reds), Distinguished Professor Kerrie Mengersen (AusiSTAR Director, QUT), Dr Megan Shephard (Research Partnerships Manager, QAS), Associate Professor Paul Wu (AusiSTAR, QUT) and Tim Kelly, (AIS Manager, Research & Innovation) | Newsreel

New national hub for sports data science at QUT

A multi-million dollar investment by QUT into sports data science will help nurture better athletes in the lead up to the Brisbane 2032 Olympics and Paralympics. The
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Two trillion dollar price tag to phase out coal burning - Newsreel

Massive price tag on phasing out coal burning

Phasing out coal to meet international climate targets would cost at least $US 2 trillion, a new assessment has concluded. Researchers at Chalmers University of
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Sometimes people prefer chatbots - Newsreel

Sometimes you just want the chatbot

In the 1998 movie Small Soldiers one of the characters is trying to report some toys coming to life and running amok. He is talking to a human, and not having much luck
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Sperm whales use complex language

Whales give clues to intergalactic communication

Sperm whales are communicating using a “phonetic alphabet” with a human-like level of sophistication. Researchers from the MIT and Project CETI (Cetacean Translation
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International students. | Newsreel

Bid to end international student poaching

The scrapping of commissions on student transfers and new accommodation requirements for universities are among the proposed changes in Australia’s international
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