Customer using technology in store. | Newsreel

Shoppers extra cautious with retail technology

Growing acceptance of technology in a person’s every-day life hits a speedbump at the shopfront, according to new Queensland research. A team from QUT, found that
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Sick child and nurse. | Newsreel

New centre to support children with life-limiting conditions

A new paediatric palliative care centre aims to address the unique needs of children with life-limiting illness. Boosted by a $3m million grant from the Australian
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Civic unrest. | Newsreel

City focus in battle against disinformation

Australian city councils will soon have access to a new tool to counter the spread of disinformation in their regions. Researchers from Australian universities and
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QUT researchers. | Newsreel

Heat on urban design as Brisbane swelters to end winter

As Brisbane’s last day of winter tomorrow is set to see the mercury soar well into the 30s, a new study has looked at ways we can mitigate heat in our urban
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Professor Maher Gandhi | Newsreel

Gandhi to lead Translational Research Institute

Brisbane cancer researcher Professor Maher Gandhi will be the next Chief Executive Officer of Australia’s Translational Research Institute (TRI). A collaboration
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James Cool University Vice-Chancellor Professor Simon Biggs - Newsreel

Regions grappling with bumpy growth transition

Queensland’s regions are in the grip of a transition that is challenged by housing shortages, the war for talent, education shortfalls and the need to manage
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QUT music student Briana Dinsdale. | Newsreel

Time is right for Briana’s country passion

A Brisbane teenager plucked from a concert crowd to sing with Keith Urban is now supporting a The Voice US winner on his Australian tour, following the release of her
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Saltwater crocodile. | Newsreel

Researchers find calls for a cull a load of croc

It would cost almost $90m and drive the species back to being critically endangered, for a crocodile culling program to have any impact on the number of fatal attacks in
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Doctor Sue-Ann Watson of James Cook University with the shell of a giant clam bivalve mollusc, Tridacna squamos. | Newsreel

Museum collections to predict climate change impact

A North Queensland university will use museum collections to predict how climate change will impact the world’s future food security. James Cook University Associate
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Woman purchasing in store with facial recognition. | Newsreel

Shoppers not sold on facial recognition for purchases

It may be okay to unlock your phone, but Aussies are more reluctant to use facial recognition to purchase products. As the use of Facial Recognition Payment Technology
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