Game of Thrones helping to understand facial recognition - Newsreel

TV show helps explain how we recognise faces

The Game of Thrones television series is helping psychologists to understand how the brain recognises faces. The research, at the University of York, suggests that our
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Person in ambulance handing over organ. | Newsreel

Licence renewal prompts organ donor registration

Queenslanders will be prompted to become organ donors when they renew their driver’s licence, in an attempt to lift one of the lowest levels of organ donor
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La Boite theatre has become the latest arts organisation funded under a national framework - Newsreel

Reborn La Boite luring audiences out of hibernation

Post-pandemic hibernation, declining interest in high school drama study and rising costs mean running a theatre company is not for the faint-hearted. For
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New Queensland Cancer Centre. | Newsreel

Billion-dollar boost to cancer care in Queensland

A new billion-dollar cancer centre is the cornerstone of a 10-year strategy to improve cancer services in Queensland. New images of the Herston-based complex were
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Schoolies on the Gold Coast. | Newsreel

Pill testing site for Gold Coast Schoolies

Pill testing will be offered to school leavers on the Gold Coast this year. Queensland Health Minister Shannon Fentiman said a confidential and free service would be
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Avian influenza sign. | Newsreel

Bird flu now passing from mammal to mammal

Researchers in the United States have confirmed avian flu is now being passed from mammal to mammal, raising concerns about the virus’s impact on humans. A new study
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Carer with elderly in aged care home dining room. | Newsreel

Four in 10 aged care residents malnourished

Four in 10 residents in Australia’s aged care facilities are malnourished, according to a new study. The first large-scale study into aged care homes and malnutrition
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QUT Associate Professor Zephanie Tyack. | Newsreel

Listening is healing for burns pioneer

A researcher’s award-winning methods to improve outcomes for child burn victims were based on her willingness to listen. Professor Zephanie Tyack, internationally
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Lifetime flu viruses have moved a step closer - Newsreel

Lifetime virus vaccine moves a step closer

A vaccine that provides lifetime protection against evolving viruses is a step closer after a breakthrough in new “one and done” research. A team at the Oregon
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Woman in pain on couch. | Newsreel

Young face barriers to pain treatment

Ninety percent of young people who are living with chronic pain in Australia have reported being ignored by doctors, with many contemplating suicide. The 2024 National
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