Mature age couple surfing. | Newsreel

Life expectancy rises despite pandemic deaths

Life expectancy globally increased by 6.2 years over the past 30 years as health systems made progress battling respiratory infections, as well as stroke and ischemic
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QCOSS CEO Aimee McVeigh. | Newsreel

Dedicated advocacy for domestic violence sector

Queensland’s social services peak body will add domestic and family violence support to its portfolio, following funding from the State Government. The Queensland
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Young women jogging. | Newsreel

Young women and smart kids resisting exercise

Women and high academic achievers are dropping out of exercise at above-average rates as they move into adulthood, putting their long-term health at risk. Research from
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Hot sun during heatwave. | Newsroom

Hotspots mapped to prepare communities

A new national heat mapping tool has been developed to help Australian communities better prepare for extreme heat. The Heat-Health Risk Index is an Australia Climate
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Depressed man looking into fridge. | Newsreel

Access to dietary advice boosts mental health

Australians with a mental illness would benefit from better access to qualified dieticians, according to a new report. Dieticians Australia has released an evidence
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Musical festival crowd blurred. | Newsreel

Pill testing weeds out higher-risk substances

More than 250 festival-goers took advantage of Queensland’s first pill-testing services at the Rabbits Eat Lettuce festival over the Easter long weekend. The State
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QUT Professor Lidia Morawska. | Newsreel

Blueprint a pathway to mandated clean indoor air

A QUT professor, who hit the headlines during the COVID pandemic, is urging governments to legislate appropriate indoor air quality standards in public spaces. Professor
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Woman searching internet. | Newsreel

ChatGPT not all it’s quacked up to be in health

ChatGPT won’t be replacing doctors anytime soon, with a CSIRO study showing the AI tool becomes less reliable as it is provided with more health information. The
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Major Elissa Milford ADF researcher. | Newsreel

World-first research to boost ICU patient outcomes

A word-first medical study by Australian Defence Force researchers is aiming to reduce the risk for critically ill patients in need of platelet transfusions. The ADF
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QUT Professor Kerrie Mengersen. | Newsreel

Data-driven passion secures top science award

From creating Australia’s first interactive cancer atlas to saving jaguars in the Amazon, QUT Professor Kerrie Mengersen’s research is changing the world. As well as
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