Smart cards and phones can be used on Brisbane buses from today - Newsreel

Smart ticketing extended to Brisbane buses

Commuters can now use a credit card, debit card, smartphone, smartwatch or Go Card to pay for bus trips on Brisbane City Council (BCC) buses. This marks the final
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Culinary Director and chef Peter Kuruvita

New seafood celebration at The Curated Plate

Mooloolaba’s food and drink festival The Curated Plate is offering exclusive behind the scenes tours with key local seafood suppliers to find out more about the
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The northern tip of Bribie Island at Caloundra - Newsreel

Impact of Bribie Island sea breakthrough to be reviewed

The Queensland Government has launched a review of the implications of the northern tip of Bribie Island being cut off from the remainder of the island. The breakthrough
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Fire ants are spreading in Queensland - Newsreel

Assault on invasive fire ants boosted

The Queensland Government is boosting the war against fire ants after the invasive pests spread to more than 700,000 ha over 10 years. The Government announced today
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New campaign warns about drinking overseas - Newsreel

New campaign warns of overseas drinking risks

The Federal Government has launched a campaign to warn young Australians about the dangers of consuming alcohol overseas. This follows the deaths last year of Bianca
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A new fund is aimed at speeding up new housing - Newsreel

Planners welcome $2 billion housing fast-track fund

The Planning Institute of Australia (PIA) has welcomed a new $2 billion Residential Activation Fund which it says will help put more homes in the right places. PIA
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ShaneHastings2024-MoffatBeach small.JPG copy

Have your say on Moffat Beach transformation

Moffatt Beach in Caloundra on the Sunshine Coast is about to undergo a major transformation, with the public invited to have their say on the future plans until April
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The price of PBS medicines will fall in Australia - Newsreel

PBS price reduction supported by both major parties

Australians will pay less for Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme medicines after Labor and the Coalition both pledged to reduce the co-payment to $25. Prime Minister Anthony
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Sunshine Coast Council is undertaking mobility mapping to help disabled people better access their surrounds.

Getting around has become easier on the Sunshine Coast

The Sunshine Coast’s spaces just got a whole lot more accessible with a new round of mobility mapping at Palmwoods, Buderim, Woombye and Landsborough. Wheelchairs with
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Floods in North Queensland - Newsreel

Scope of North Queensland flood relief extended

The Federal Government has extended the Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment (AGDRP) to all of Queensland’s Cassowary Coast and Townsville local government
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