Woman vaping. | Newsreel

Senate passes new vape laws from July 1

By Steve Zeppa The Federal Senate today passed new laws which will restrict the sale of vapes in Australia from next week, with late changes to the Bill sparking mixed
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Empty surgery room. | Newsreel

People trafficking report reveals growing concern

Global trafficking of people for organ removal is a growing concern, according to the latest report out of the United States. The 2024 Trafficking in Persons Report,
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New BOM website. | Newsreel

BOM launches new website for feedback

The Bureau of Meteorology has unveiled a test version of its new website and is asking for feedback. Bureau of Meteorology Chief Customer Officer Dr Peter Stone said the
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Doctor with patient. | Newsreel

Spike in intake of overseas-trained doctors

Australia has increased the annual intake of overseas-trained doctors by more than 1500 over the past five years, with Queensland numbers almost doubling. New Federal
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House under construction. | Newsreel

New climate resilience measures for building code

Australian building codes are set for a shake-up with new provisions for climate resilience and carbon-footprint reporting to be considered. Federal, state and territory
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Young children on laptop talking to someone. | Newsreel

Children need a say in social media debate

A total social media ban for young people could have a detrimental impact on the very people such a move aims to protect. In a new study, researchers from the University
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Used lithium batteries. | Newsreel

United approach to lithium battery waste

Australia’s environment ministers will unite efforts to target waste involving lithium batteries, tyres and packaging. The commitment was one of a number made at
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Wuthathi Country Tannin Stained Perched Lake Cape York Queensland. | Newseel

Bid to add Cape York to World Heritage List

The first steps have been taken to add parts of Queensland’s Cape York Peninsula to the World Heritage List. The Federal and Queensland governments, working with
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Muslim father and daughter.| Newsreel

Support to protect children in many languages

New resources will support culturally and linguistically diverse families to have conversations about online child safety. The Australian Centre to Counter Child
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Family watching sport on TV. | Newsreel

Laws a barrier to free sport on digital TV

As more Australians ditch television aerials for internet-based services, proposed anti-siphoning laws mean many would not watch free sport, according to a new
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