Person getting new job. | Newsreel

Non-compete clauses impacting job mobility and wages

The use of non-compete clauses, traditionally seen in executive level jobs, is moving into the realm of lower-paid employment with negative consequences. A new report by
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Employers have been urged to be on the front foot to address new right-to-disconnect laws - Newsreel

Proactivity urged on right to disconnect laws

Employers have been urged to proactively set expectations on out-of-work hours contact to avoid disputes under the new right-to-disconnect employment laws. McCullough
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Aged care worker and client. | Newsreel

Growing care workforce lowers national productivity

The number of care workers has grown to now represent 15 percent of the entire Australian workforce. A new study by economic research institute e61 has found, with the
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Food delivery worker. | Newsreel

Robbery sparks call to boost rights for gig workers

The violent carjacking of a food delivery worker on the Gold Coast this week has renewed calls for extra protection for the nation’s gig workers. Transport Workers
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Apprentice using a computer. | Newsreel

Non-trade apprentice numbers down more than 20%

The number of apprentices in training dropped by almost nine percent in the most recent reporting. The latest data from the National Centre for Vocational Education
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Tech skills shortages require changes in the way companies recruit - Newsreel

Hiring patterns changing to address talent drought

Companies are changing the way they hire staff for technology jobs to overcome a chronic global shortage of qualified people. The OECD’s Bridging Talent Shortages in
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Families found new connection opportunities during the COVID pandemic - Newsreel

Have we squandered our best change opportunity?

By Shane Rodgers Just for a moment everything seemed possible. Overnight, companies learned to use technology to allow their knowledge economy workers to live a
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The right lighting has been found to mitigate the negative impact of shift work - Newsreel

Lighting helps reduce negative impact of shift work

Linking exposure to light to the body’s circadian rhythm may help mitigate the ill-effects of shift work. A research team at Flinders University found that
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Help wanted sign | Newsreel

Queensland bucks national job vacancies trend

The Queensland labour market tightened in August, as the rest of the country saw a continued fall in job vacancies. The latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
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Female electrician. | Newsreel

33,000 more jobs set to power energy transition

Electrical jobs are predicted to double in five years, with calls to lift training and diversity in the sector to overcome a skills shortage. A new report from the
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