Long COVID impacts up to 30 percent of patients - Newsreel

Long COVID impacts up to 30% of infected patients

An estimated 39 million people have experienced “long COVID” across the OECD, representing between 10 and 30 percent of people who contracted the infection. An OECD
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Woman interviewing man in room. | Newsreel

New bodies focus on improved mental health

Two new national peak bodies are being created to represent people with lived experiences of mental ill-health. Federal Health Minister Mark Butler said the National
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Person pushes unhappy feedback button. | Newsreel

‘Super complainers’ line up ACCC

Consumer group CHOICE is one of Australia’s first ‘super complainers’. The Federal Government today announced the advocacy group would be one the first
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Marine rescue boat in Queensland. | Newsreel

Marine Rescue Queensland welcomes first units

Marine Rescue Queensland (MRQ), the state’s first single integrated volunteer-based service, welcomes its first units this week. Mackay and Gladstone will become the
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Older couple blowing out birthday candles. | Newsreel

Australians living longer but are sicker

Australians’ life expectancy has increased by 40 percent since 2000, but our quality of life is dropping. A new report from the Australian Institute of Health and
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Confusing options are preventing consumers from recycling - Newsreel

Confusing options stifling consumer recycling

Consumers are being stifled in their desire to recycle by confusing options and inadequate information on what can be recycled. Dr Bhavna Middha, from the RMIT Centre
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Nurse with patient. | Newsreel

Nurse-led clinic for Brisbane CBD

Queensland’s first nurse-led health clinic will open in the Brisbane CBD in September. Premier Steve Miles said the Adelaide St clinic would be the first of four to
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Tablets and stethoscope. | Newsreel

New PBS listings to save patients thousands

Australians with leukaemia, early breast cancer and types of lupus and insomnia will now have access to new and expanded treatment options under the Pharmaceutical
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Leeanne Bond

Bond to lead new energy board

A Queensland engineer who helped shape some of the nation’s largest energy projects is the chair of a new board which will advise on the state’s transition to
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Previously unmapped slush in Antarctica could mean higher sea level rises - Newsreel

Antarctic ‘slush’ could mean higher sea level rises

Scientists have discovered that high levels of “slush” sitting on Antarctica’s ice shelves could mean sea level rises from climate change have been
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