Women dominating Queensland finance sector - Newsreel

Finance sector riding wave of post-COVID growth

The finance sector in Queensland is working at carving out a unique identity as it enjoys significant post-COVID growth and burgeoning career opportunities. Queensland
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Brisbane City Council bus. | Newsreel

50 cent fares for public transport patrons

Queenslanders will be able to travel on public transport for 50 cents per trip for six months from August. Premier Steven Miles said reducing the cost barrier to public
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Gas pipeline being laid. | Newsreel

Surat Basin carbon storage project rejected

A carbon capture project planned for the Surat Basin has been rejected by the Queensland Government after a three-year assessment process. The Department of Environment,
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Queensland Ballet executive director Dilshani Weerasinghe

More funding needed to thrive in the business of ballet

Queensland Ballet is looking to apply its renowned creativity to the business side of arts as it seeks more corporate and philanthropic support to maintain its
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Packaged meat. | Newsreel

Freshness patches target ‘best before’ waste

Colour-changing freshness indicators could replace “best before” stamps on meat products to avoid waste, based on a new body of research. Researchers at
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Person putting petrol in car. | Newsreel

Fuel consumption claims falter in real world

Fuel consumption levels of some cars are more than 30 percent higher than manufacturers’ claims when tested in real-world conditions. The latest testing by the
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Tim Longwill appointed as Pro Bono Partner at McR - Newsreel

McCullough Robertson appoints Pro Bono Partner

McCullough Robertson Lawyers (McR) has announced the appointment of Tim Longwill as the firm’s Pro Bono Partner. Mr Longwill is a senior partner at McR and has been
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Robots scaring away hospitality workers - Newsreel

Robophobia scaring away cafe workers

Use of robots in hospitality settings is causing human workers to leave the industry due to high levels of stress and fears around their job security. Washington State
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Graphic showing online data collection. | Newsreel

Your de-identified data not so anonymous

An increase in personal data collection has led to concerns de-identified information could be traced back to an individual as datasets are combined. A new report from
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Man and woman in boardroom. | Newsreel

Cyber security support for small business directors

Directors of small businesses and not-for-profit organisations have access to a new guide which outlines obligations around cyber security. The Cyber Security Handbook
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