Frustrated motorist in traffic. | Newsreel

Motorists caught in rising ‘traffic pain’

The RACQ has called for a Brisbane “Western Bypass” road to be placed on the transport agenda after new data confirmed major highways are down to a crawl during peak
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New housing development. | Newsreel

Funds flow to speed up new housing plans

Improving the planning process to speed up housing construction is the focus of the first round of funding available through the Federal Government’s Housing Support
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Artist's impression of 1171 Sandgate Rd, Nundah. | Newsreel

Four-bedroom units feature in Nundah plans

Buckland Projects and Urban Strategies have lodged a development application for an 11-storey mixed use development in Nundah, featuring 12 four-bedroom
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Real estate agent with couple. | Newsreel

Compulsory training move for real estate agents

Queensland real estate and property agents will soon need to undergo compulsory ongoing training. Agents currently need to undertake initial training to become
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Innovative small business couple. | Newsreel

Innovative ideas drive access to State funding

Almost $10m in funding has been allocated to more than 60 Queensland businesses and precincts focussed on innovation. Thirteen innovation precincts and places will share
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Flooded Queenslander home. | Newsreel

Extreme weather risk hitting home

The threat of being forced out of their homes due to extreme weather is weighing heavy on many Australians. A Climate Council survey found one in three Australians were
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Open cut mine. | Newsreel

Help shape the future of mining research

Australians have the chance to shape the future of mining research in this country. The CSIRO has commissioned a survey to explore the attitudes of Australians towards
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Artist's impression of lunar rover on moon. | Newsreel

Brisbane’s Raytracer shoots for the moon

A Brisbane-based space technology company has joined the team tasked with designing Australia’s first lunar rover. Raytracer, headquartered in Bowen Hills, has joined
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Massive Sulfide Nickel Ore Rock. | Newsreel

Support for SMEs eyeing critical minerals industry

Businesses looking to expand into the critical minerals industry can now access a free insights program. The CSIRO is encouraging small to medium enterprises to apply
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Petrol and diesel bowser nozzles. | Newsreel

Renewable diesel a crucial pitstop on road to net zero

An increased focus on renewable diesel is needed to support the construction industry on its path to net zero and decarbonisation. A report released by the Australian
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