The Gold Coast’s Currumbin Valley will be home to one of Australia’s largest eco-parks, with an Activation Plan for a 148ha site now released.
The site will feature new hiking trails, picnic areas and became a valuable location for wildlife rehabilitation.
The plan’s release follows community consultation and a full ecological study of the site, with the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary having already established a koala fodder plantation as part of the parkland.
Alongside the plantation, the eco-park will include the Wildlife Sanctuary’s new koala facility – a small-scale vet unit and fodder eucalypt plantation, while other areas have been identified for wetland restoration.
Friends of Currumbin President Peter Kershaw said it was pleasing the plan ensured the conservation of 46ha of endangered blackbutt forest.
Kombumerri traditional owner Justine Dillon said Ngarang-Wal and the Kombumerri Rangers had been involved in several stages of the project.
“We are working an area and site that our Kombumerri people would have once occupied and used for resources – the on-ground surveys we have participated in show an abundance of food and medicinal sources – which cements our cultural knowledge of the area,” she said.
The Activation Plan can be viewed of the Queensland Government website.