A number of new wind farms have lifted approved renewable energy projects to a level they could power the equivalent of nearly every household in Australia.
Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek said new three new renewable energy projects in New South Wales had been given the green light, including the 1332 megawatt Liverpool Range Wind Farm near Coolah.
Minister Plibersek said the 700 megawatt Spicers Creek Wind Farm Project near Gulgong and the 372 megawatt Hills of Gold Wind Farm near Nundle had also been approved.
She said the new projects would build on the amount of renewables already generating energy, with renewables meeting 46 percent of demand in the national grid last quarter.
“These three projects will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 6.5 million tonnes – equivalent to taking more than 2 million passenger cars off the road every year.”
Minister Plibersek said 77 renewable energy projects had now been approved.
“I’ve now approved enough new renewable energy to power more than 10 million homes – nearly every single Australian household.
“We’ve already added 15GW of renewable energy to the grid.”