Push to launch local rocket motor industry

Missiles. | Newsreel
The Australian Government wants to establish the capability to produce rocket motors for missiles. | Photo: iStock

The Federal Government has put up $22 million to develop a home-grown rocket motor manufacturing capability.

Defence Minister Pat Conroy said the Government was seeking options from industry to establish a manufacturing complex in Australia to produce rocket motors for some of the world’s most advanced missiles.

Minister Conroy said an initial investment of $22 million over the next three years would help grow Australia’s advanced high-tech manufacturing sector and boost long range strike capabilities for the Australian Defence Force (ADF).

He said the move was underpinned by the Future Made in Australia agenda, which would improve the resilience of supply chains, provide for greater strategic sovereignty and enhance export opportunities.

“Rocket motors are a critical component of missiles and required for most guided weapons, including Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (GMLRS) missiles, which will be made in Australia from next year.

“It’s expected the rocket motor complex will begin production by the end of the decade.”

Minister Conroy said the rocket motor program was part of the Guided Weapons and Explosive Ordnance (GWEO) Enterprise which was backed by up to $21 billion over the decade through the 2024 Integrated Investment Program.

He said the Government would also invest up to $60 million over the next five years to develop the next generation of guided weapon sub-systems and components.

“This will enable partnerships between industry and Defence and allow the next generation of guided weapon technologies to enter the supply chain of GWEO Strategic Partners.”