Eating and watching television can lead to overindulgence - Newsreel

Distraction kills pleasure and drives overindulgence

Distraction is a pleasure killer and leads to overindulgence, according to new research by the American Psychological Association. Study author Stephen Murphy from Ghent
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Couple on computer worried about bills. | Newsreel

Home loan lenders adding to customer hardship

More than a third of Australians seeking hardship assistance from banks have given up due to complicated applications processes. An Australian Securities &
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Saying please is used only seven percent of the time - Newsreel

The word ‘please’ is falling on hard times

The word “please”, which children are taught is the key to politeness and respectful requests, has fallen on hard times. People are now using it infrequently
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Life expectancy to increase by five years - Newsreel

Live expectancy to lift by five years by 2050

Average life expectancy across the globe is expected to increase by five years by 2050 as disparities between countries lessen. The latest findings from the Global
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Metal workers using grinders. | Newsreel

Manufacturers set to boost production levels

More than two-thirds of Queensland manufacturers expect to increase production in the next 12 months, according to a recent survey. The CommBank’s latest Manufacturing
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Electric vehicles charging.

New Standard to attract cleaner cars to Australia

A New Vehicle Efficiency Standard will begin in Australia from January, after legislation was passed in Federal Parliament. The Standard will only apply to new cars,
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Coffee grounds. | Newsreel

Charge into skinny caps for full-strength batteries

Coffee lovers, it’s time to step up, with future battery technology potentially in your latte-loving hands. Australia’s Nuclear Science and Technology
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Artist's impression of upgraded Sunshine Coast Stadium. | Newsreel

Games stadium contract goes to market

The contract to upgrade Sunshine Coast Stadium in preparation for the Brisbane 2032 Olympics and Paralympics will go to market today. The stadium was one of three
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Six mistakes that hinder careers - Newsreel

The six things that hinder successful careers

By Shane Rodgers Most careers can survive a few ups and downs. You win a few, you lose a few. Sometimes it works out. Sometimes, not so much. When I started writing the
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Cargo ship at sea. | Newsreel

Sustainability focus in updated trade agreement

An updated trading agreement with our southeast Asian neighbours will include enhanced obligations around sustainability and equality. The Federal Parliament Joint
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