Couple worried about bills. | Newsreel

Taxes and fees a third of new home costs

A third of the cost of a new home in Queensland is made up of taxes, fees and charges, according to new research. The same research, from the Property Council of
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Judge Anna Bertone. | Newsreel

New judges appointed to Family Court

Queensland Barrister Anna Bertone has been appointed as a Judge to the Brisbane Registry of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 2). For the past
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Aborigine with plant at smoking ceremony. | Newsreel

Future patents to include First Nations input

Future medical and agriculture patents will need to acknowledge any use of knowledge from First Nations peoples, under a new international treaty. The Treaty on
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Male birth control pill a step closer - Newsreel

Male birth control pill a step closer

Medical researchers say they have uncovered a “promising option” to create a contraceptive pill for men. A study by the Baylor College of Medicine in Texas,
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Man putting meal in microwave oven. | Newsreel

Microwave ovens ‘less potent than candles’

You should be more worried about getting too close to a candle, if you are concerned about the radiation emitted from your microwave oven, according to
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AI headphones hone in on one voice - Newsreel

Headphones find one voice in a noisy room

Have you ever tried to hold a conversation with someone in a really noisy environment? It’s hard. But maybe not for much longer. Researchers at the University of
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Has our sense of Australian been lost? - Newsreel

Will our sense of Australiana be back later on?

By Shane Rodgers When I was growing up, the term “Australiana” was used a lot. Back then it seemed a useful way to describe the potpourri we called Australian
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Woman on train wearing mask. | Newsreel

COVID halted global life expectancy gains

The COVID-19 pandemic wiped our nearly a decade of global life expectancy gains. New data from the World Health Organisation (WHO) shows the pandemic reversed a trend of
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Mental disorders can

Mental health issues ‘transmit’ in social circles

Certain mental health disorders have been found to “transmit” within social networks formed at school. A major study of 700,000 young people in Finland, released
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China has successfully tested flying taxis - Newsreel

China puts flying cars on economic agenda

China is aiming to be the first country in the world to allow flying taxis. This follows the Chinese Government’s declaration that a “low-altitude economy” is now
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