Stress bragging hurts careers - Newsreel

Complaining workers harming their careers

Workers who constantly “brag” that they are stressed and overworked are harming their reputations and careers. New research from the University of Georgia
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Robotic machines in manufacturing site. | Newsreel

Robotics strategy guides safe integration

A new national robotics strategy will aim to better integrate automated technologies into workplaces and ensure worker safety. The strategy, announced the week, outlines
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Annual inflation at 3.6 percent in April - Newsreel

Inflation remains stubbornly high at 3.6%

Australia’s inflation rate remains stubbornly high and outside the zone where the Reserve Bank is likely to reduce interest rates. April Consumer Price Index data,
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Man holding machete. | Newsreel

No more knives out for retailers

The Queensland Police Service and the National Retail Association will join forces in an awareness campaign in the lead up to new knife laws coming into effect. From
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Child working under oppressive conditions. | Newsreel

Search on for Anti-Slavery Commissioner

Australia is searching for its first Anti-Slavery Commissioner. Federal Parliament has passed the Modern Slavery Amendment (Australian Anti-Slavery Commissioner) Bill
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Private jet flying. | Newsreel

Under 45s climb into private jet market

The market for private jets is booming, with business people under 45 snapping up luxury aircraft at an increasing rate. A report by Jetcraft, a global player in
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QUT Gardens Point campus

Williams to lead new School of Clinical Medicine

QUT will launch a new School of Clinical Medicine to help meet Australia’s future health needs. Sitting within in the Faculty of Health, it will be run by Professor
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Australians the biggest buyers of clothes - Newsreel

Australia tops clothing purchase rankings

Australians have become the world’s biggest per capita purchasers of clothes, according to new research released today. The Australia Institute think tank says we have
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Person looking at computer screen of AI answers. | Newsreel

An overview of the pitfalls of AI answers

Google’s new AI Overviews has demonstrated the risk of relying solely on artificial intelligence-informed information, as warnings surface the next wave of
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Data map of Australia. | Newsreel

Atlas a deep dive into Australian data

Do you want to know the location of every police station in Australia? Perhaps you need to know where all the country’s RAMSAR wetlands are located or want to keep up
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