Woman using phone to pay in shop. | Newsreel

Mobile payments surge past cash withdrawals

The value of purchases made with mobile phones in Australia has passed the amount of cash withdrawn from ATMs. A new report from the Australian Banking Association (ABA)
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World Vision staff

World Vision back-pays staff $6 million

World Vision Australia has back-paid staff more than $6 million after an internal review uncovered compliance issues. The Fair Work Commission (FWO) said the charity had
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Suncorp building Brisbane. | Newsreel

ANZ-Suncorp deal to boost disaster resilience

Federal Government approval of the ANZ purchase of Suncorp’s banking operations will mean a boost to Queensland’s disaster resilience. State Treasurer Cameron Dick
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Julian Assange supporters opposite the Embassy of Ecuador in London. | Newsreel

Assange explainer: The years of headlines

By Professor Matthew Ricketson “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance” is a famous quotation usually attributed to Thomas Jefferson, a founder of US
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3G mobile phone

Tool to test 3G network shutdown impact

A new-online tool has been launched to help Australians determine if they will be impacted by the shutdown of the 3G network. With major providers Telstra and Optus due
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Woman upset in bedroom. | Newsreel

Rate of sexual assault highest in 31 years

More than 36,000 Australians were sexually assaulted last year, with the rate of assaults the highest in 31 years. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data shows the
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Worried woman looking at phone. | Newsreel

New register targets SMS scams

A system which helps phone users identify scam SMS is a step closer with legislation to establish an SMS Sender ID Register introduced into Federal parliament today. The
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Image with coin piles and house. | Newsreel

Hot property lifts wealth by $1.5 trillion

Rising property prices continue to fuel growing household wealth in Australia. The latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) statistics, released today, show
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Ross Buchanan. | Newsreel

Buchanan to drive opportunities in Europe

Career trade and investment professional Ross Buchanan has been appointed Queensland’s next Agent-General for the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. State Deputy
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Australian bank ATMs. | Newsreel

New banking code enhances protections

A new Banking Code of Practice will see changes to the definition of a small business and expand financial difficulty provisions. The Australian Securities &
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