Traveller at airport. | Newsreel

Extra pressure on visitor numbers to Australia

Projected international visitor numbers to Australia have been revised down as geopolitical, economic and environmental issues combine to take some of the sheen off
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School student cycling. \ Newsreel

Real-time monitoring boosts active school travel

A program which sends real-time notifications to parents on their children travelling to and from school has boosted active travel among Sunshine Coast
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Queensland will need thousands of extra workers for the large major projects pipeline - Newsreel

Construction pipeline requires 20,000 extra workers

Another lift in the construction pipeline for Queensland will create demand for more than 20,000 extra jobs over the next two years. The Queensland Major Projects
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Music producer Wondagurl. | Newsreel

Wonda-ful new opportunity for Australian artists

A new music initiative is giving Australian artists a global springboard by facilitating collaborations with international producers. The Australian Recording Industry
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Woman with sore wrist at work. | Newsreel

Growing arthritis numbers to impact workforce

Almost 5.5 million Australians will be living with arthritis by 2040, placing a $11.9 billion strain on the health system and impacting national productivity. A new
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Offshore rig. | Newsreel

$60 billion opportunity in ageing offshore rigs

$60 billion worth of offshore infrastructure is set to be decommissioned in the coming decades, with a roadmap established to take advantage of the opportunity. Federal
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Graphic of man contemplating technology.

New national centre to focus on safe AI

Adelaide will be the focal point for Australia’s development of safe and responsible artificial intelligence (AI), with the launch of a national research centre. A
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Cafe worker. | Newsreel

Workers happy to be casual and flexible

The vast majority of Australia’s casual workforce, prefer that style of work, relishing the flexibility it provides. New Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data
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Buzz Aldrin walking on the moon as part of the Apollo 11 mission in 1969 - Newsreel

NASA moon mission pushed back a year

NASA has announced that its planned landing of astronauts on the moon has been pushed back a year to 2027. This followed concerns that more work was needed on the Orion
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Woman in hospital bed. | Newsreel

Health insurers warned to stop ‘product phoenixing’

Private Health insurers have been put on notice to end “product phoenixing” or risk Government intervention. An investigation from the Commonwealth Ombudsman
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