New mini-moon is being snagged into the Earth's orbit - Newsreel

Mini-moon captured temporarily from space

The Earth will have a new “mini-moon” for the next two months with a small asteroid being captured in the planet’s gravitational pull. The Asteroid, known as
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Man and woman working on solar installation. | Newsreel

Centre to fast-track clean energy apprenticeships

A new Queensland centre of excellence will fast-track training in skills needed to deliver clean energy projects. The TAFE Queensland Centre of Excellence – Clean
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$17.8 billion in superannuation is waiting to be claimed - Newsreel

$17.8 billion in lost super waiting to be claimed

More than $17.8 billion of superannuation is sitting unclaimed because funds are unable to find the owners. The Australian Tax Office said the amount included $471
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Lake Borumba, Sunshine Coast hinterland, Queensland. | Newsreel

Borumba work packages pump-prime activity

A pumped hydro project west of the Sunshine Coast has been progressed with almost $200m worth of work packages awarded. Queensland Hydro has awarded contracts for three
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PhD researcher Mohsina Akter, Associate Professor Tyge Kummer, left, and Dr Ogan Yigitbasioglu,

Blockchain cost and complexity dilutes benefits

Businesses are hesitant to introduce blockchain into their accounting practices, despite acknowledging the benefits of the technology. A QUT study found while survey
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Missiles. | Newsreel

Push to launch local rocket motor industry

The Federal Government has put up $22 million to develop a home-grown rocket motor manufacturing capability. Defence Minister Pat Conroy said the Government was seeking
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Uptown Hair Studio, Nambour, staff

Double chance for Council at national awards

Sunshine Coast Council is in the running for two national economic development awards. One of only a very few organisations across Australia to receive double honours,
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Farmers are more optimistic due to strong seasonal conditions and improved prices - Newsreel

Optimism rebounds for state’s farmers

Queensland farmers have reported a more optimistic outlook for the year ahead off the back of rising commodity prices and positive seasonal conditions. The latest
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Paddington collection. | Newsreel

Paddington plan leverages Games venues

A proposed Paddington development has one eye on the Brisbane 2032 Games, with 31 short-stay suites in the plans. The mixed-use development aims to maximise the
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Plans to harvest the sea to build greener cities

Researchers are looking to fast-track the use of marine-based bio-materials in building materials to aid the transition to net zero and help the Brisbane Games deliver
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